Thursday, May 15, 2008

Watch out what you ask for...

Ok, so I have an amazing amount of work to complete by 5 pm EST and it's now 2:05 pm.

But, this couldn't be ignored, so I'll give it to you, my Royal Readers (bep!) in bullet form:
  • My thirty minutes with Paulo last night was wonderful. Lots of jokes. He also had ALL of the front-end prep work done for me already. Like, all of it. I was really blown over by this because that was a lot of extra work on his part. His response to my gratitude, "I just wanted to make sure you had a good night." TOO CUTE!
  • I went in to TJ's today to write my order because I don't work tonight. Thought I would go in during my lunch break (because 1. I want to be able to go straight home at 5 pm to be like a normal person, and the REAL reason 2. Paulo works until 2 pm b/c he had to come in at 5 am.)
  • I look hot today. A nice black jersey dress, some summer sandals with a little heel, and my grandmother's super great gold rope necklace that I've worn now twice in my life. Hair: good. It was raining when I went in, but still, the curl was good. Hitting on all cylinders.
  • I get compliments from all of my coworkers. Paulo was absent for the first wave of compliments, but I was up front in the office when he did walk in. He looked me up from head to toe (I know, as a woman, I should be offended by being objectified like that. But I'm not. At all. I liked it. A lot.) and told me I looked very nice today. Check plus.
  • He had a note from our boss that a crew member wanted to be trained back in demo (sample lady)--well, since that's what I did the first six months I worked for TJ's, I volunteered to him today with our boss present. He smiled and said he was going to ask me to do it anyway. We had a moment.
  • I asked the male of the couple that we're going to the Braves game with about if he wanted me to go ahead and buy tickets today. He looked confused and said, "I've already got tickets." I'm tired of referencing him like that, so let's call him Peter. So I cocked my head to the side, confused, "You got tickets for all of us?" His response (I love it!), "No, just for me and Michelle (his girlfriend, not her real name)." I laughed. "Umm, didn't we all want to sit together?" "Oh. Yeah. Ooops." Me: "Where are your seats then? I'll try to get Paulo and I's close to there then." "Oh. Somewhere in left field. Wait, maybe it's right field. Somewhere under the pavilion." The pavilion, is located on both sides. Awesome. Looks like it's just going to be me and Paulo. Together. Alone. Awkward.
  • Awkward, you may ask. Yes, awkward. Awkward because I have these crushes and I'm used to them being secret and never actually ACTING on them. Awkward.

Ok, so, well, let's pray about that. Jen. the girls did VERY well today. Their performance should be applauded. You've been right all along. I'm sending you a picture right now...I will email anyone who so desires said picture...but I'm a lady, I wouldn't want to post it on this here internets where anyone can see!

Also, on a serious note: I totally lost my cool at work this morning--I was getting blamed for something that I had very little to do with. I, however, am the lowest man on the totem pole and we all know what flows downhill. I apologized to the people I needed to apologize to...but I just can't think it's a good thing to be in the one place in my life that makes me act like this.

Have a great Thursday!

PS: I was asked to post a photo of my necklace. Here it is.


Rantipole15 said...

Um, that gold rope necklace is FABULOUS. As are the girls. ;P There is something to be said for being blatantly eyeballed by the person you want to be eyeballed by (or, by whom you want to be eyeballed? Damn you, prepositions!).

Anonymous said...

sputter sputter COUGH! Ummmm the necklace is outstanding... so supple and ... errr i mean, shiny... ohhh shoot... speaking of awkward.

Thanks for the private picture.