Tuesday, May 20, 2008

a very weird experience indeed...

There's this guy that works at my day job. He's a loud and close talker. He smells funny, but I attribute that to his being from a different country.

I've never had a non-work-related conversation with him. His laugh scares me.

And I saw a post on one of our databases and he was going to be out of the office for a couple of weeks as his wife (that I learned was arranged to marry him, they had never met before the wedding) was about to have a baby.

So I thought it weird that I heard his voice several cubes over. Then he walked in my cube as I had my headphones on and had just posted my last blog. I looked up at him strangely and he thrust a photo album at me. And stood there as I was forced to look at infant pictures.

That's weird, right? It's not just me? You shouldn't go up to someone you don't really know and force them to ooh and ahh over your newborn, right?

I'm not an oooher nor an ahhher, so I was forced to look. Forced to comment on how pretty she is and say congratulations. He then moved the cube over from me and started the whole ritual again. I can now hear him the next little section over and I can tell he's doing it to those people who certainly don't know him either.

Well, I guess it's good that he's a proud papa. But I'm still weirded out. Maybe some tortilla chips will help...

1 comment:

AMW said...

a) you are the champ blogger. everytime i stop by your blog, i end up having to "catch up" over the last 10 posts... that were written within the last 3 days. no, really. but i love you for it.

b) that IS totally weird. i recall a similar situation at my last desk job. only they were wedding pictures. which, lucky for me. i mean, if they were baby pictures... i'm not sure i could contain myself.

i probably should've written you an email instead of taking up your blog space. whatever. shall we meet in chattanooga one weekend for burgers at Durty Nelly's? miss you, friend.