Wednesday, June 11, 2008

high school

What is it that is so formative about high school? Seriously. I'm 26 now. I have a college degree, a nice life, a promising future, amazing friends...and yet when I went through Facebook this morning looking at profiles of all the people I graduated high school with I felt like I was back to being on the fringe of being cool and the "cool" people still intimidate me.

Weird. It's not that I was friends with those people then and I don't want to be now...but still, it's an odd feeling.

What's not an odd feeling, however, is that Bon Jovi's Runaway just came on my iTunes. I love the shuffle feature, you just never know what you're going to get.

So I worked with Paulo last night and I had this migraine (could be that I've been trying to, oh, I don't know, be a tad bit healthier and one such change is no more diet coke...until you have a headache that turns into a migraine for 5+ hours...then you chug a coke zero like it's your JOB) and my eyes were all swollen from summer allergies (fun!). So, I know I looked like I was high as a kite when I entered the building and later he asked if I had had a little too much fun on Monday night and I just stared at him, my head cocked to the side, and before I could answer he responded, "Oh yeah. You have another job. You're responsible." Ha. I thought that was funny. And I reminded him that I don't drink anymore (who knew, right?) and he said he probably shouldn't either...then he stood behind me and started massaging my head hoping my headache would go away! How cute.

I found out last night that he doesn't have cable. That strikes me as odd knowing him like I do. (That last phrase sounded pompous...I'm just saying that he seems like the kind of guy that enjoys a beer and some ESPN.) Anyway, apparently he doesn't have cable because "I want to get out there and make friends" cause that's so easy when you work crazy hours and at LEAST 50 hours a week...but I soon found the real reason, as he even admitted, he's cheap. Ugh. He makes DOUBLE what I make in a year and I'm working two full-time jobs...and yet he's too cheap for cable. Wow. I can understand people that don't have cable because they're being frugal or are on a budget. I can understand people that don't have cable because they really just don't like television. But not to have cable when you make close to 6 figures just because you're cheap is another story all together. I, of course, am not making light of the damaging effects and the tragedy that is divorce, but seriously--I wouldn't want to be married to a man that makes as much as he does, who never takes vacation time, who is never home, and yet still doesn't want to pay for cable. Ridiculous. What's she supposed to do while he's always at work? I guess she could paint. Or knit. Or grow hydroponic pot.

Oooh, it's 938 am already. Wow. Maybe today will go ok.


Rantipole15 said...

I vote for the hydroponic pot. Just because.

The Spicy Chickadee said...

Maybe she would be a work-aholic too. Birds of a feather flock together. And if he's that crazy about money, maybe she would be too. You just never know. Me? I would paint. Or get cable anyways. Probably cheaper than paint supplies.