Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Paulo...dunh dunh dunh!

To update all you inquiring minds on Paulo--so, we had our store-wide tasting party last night and it went really well.

But I had to work last night in addition to the party and Paulo was working in the "office" as I was on register. We had a lot of work to do so as for the store to be completely ready to open this morning by 9 pm (we usually have until 11 pm).

Anyway, I got to work 30 minutes before I was actually scheduled--accidentally of course. So I wrote my order (I'm in charge of a whole aisle--CEREAL! I just KNOW you're impressed.) and he followed me around just asking about my life, why I work both jobs so much, etc.

So, recap:

He states that now my name is indeed, "Anna, almost perfect." This was after I finished a task before he even knew that it needed to be done. I'm good like that. I asked if it was a compliment or a slam, as it can be taken both ways. He assured me it was the highest level of compliment.

He thinks my personality is a perfect fit for TJ's and he thinks I should consider working there full time.

He's a font snob, just like me. There was a TJ's memo in comic sans (ugh!) and I commented on it, not expecting anyone to really care what I had to say on the subject and he retorted, "At least it's on in Papyrus." (Mandi, I knew you'd love him over that one.)

Oh, Dreamboat, why do you have to be my "boss"? Maybe I'll transfer stores and our Font Love can be fully recognized!

Oh, I guess I need to find out if he loves Jesus. Small steps, small steps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Agh! I love him already!

I have an immediate respect and admiration for anyone who clearly understands font sins.

<3 <3 <3 Paulo.