Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm in love, part 44

Paulo and I were trading lines from favorite Futurama episodes last night.

And he laughs at my meter--the pace at which I deliver what I'm saying. I was telling the other full-timer something last night and it made Paulo laugh to the point he had to put his head on the desk.

I think it's how I get so excited over stupid stuff. What I was telling the fulltimer last night: "OH! Oh, Oh! Sharon (also not her name)! I've been meaning to tell you." At this point he lost his lid because he said, "Nothing about TJ's could cause you to be THAT excited." And I told him, "Well, sir, it just so happens that I am putting a photo collage together from our party on Monday." At this point, he had to put his head down.


We just had Group Lunch at The Day Job. It's where, once a month, our company pays for our department to go out to eat. We went to Fuddrucker's (a burger place for those of you who don't know). Hey, for a free lunch it wasn't bad. The best part was: there's this guy that works in my department that I have zero interaction with. He sat near me and apparently doesn't like to be outdone and will complete any dare given him. A girl dared him to go to the drink machine and mix all the drinks with this warning, "It's called a suicide. You might die. You up for it?" He promptly went and did just as she dared. I felt like I was back at camp. So then I dared him to eat the rest of his nacho cheese that was in a bowl without using his hands, a la me and Polly having a contest one summer on who could finish their chocolate pudding first without hands (I'm pretty sure Polly won on that one. Oh camp days.).

Or this gem:

It, obviously, is a cold grits eating contest. Perfect. People vomited. It was beautiful. (Bep's the red head on the far right!)

1 comment:

Rantipole15 said...

Ah, memories of Bug Juice mixtures...