Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My friend Loyal Reader (LR) just communicated to me when I commented that I had to work with Paulo tonight, "If he had hair, you'd collect it. Just admit it."

Eww, gross. I do have to work with him tonight. I'm back in our demo station all night--which means he'll be back there begging food off me. Oh well. I guess I'll play this one by ear.

And Bep and Chad and Brahm are starting their drive to Maine tomorrow night--hip hip hooray! They're moving back after a couple of years in Virginia so Chad could be in school. I'm so happy for them to move to Maine where both their families are.

I want to move to Maine.

But I also love Georgia. I love my Chrysalis people. I love my church.

And I love the fact that it's 455 and I'm going to go ahead and go so I can stop by the gas station before TJ's and get some coffee...I need to start going to bed before 130 in the morning!

1 comment:

The Spicy Chickadee said...

Anna, thank you for your comment on my blog. I totally get it, especially the part about being able to help others with exactly the same issue, but seeming to not be able to do anything for myself in the same area. I will pray for both of us to be free, and for your job search. God has something out there very special for you so just hang in there.