Tuesday, July 29, 2008

it's 11:09 pm...what are YOU doing?

for the first time in over two years I have Internet in my own home! hooray!

oh, and I'm writing this from my new iMac...hooray!

it's a good Tuesday night.

now, since I've been so busy at work I need to shop online for my Cotillion dress for this year.

Chrysalis has been postponed until February because we didn't have enough applications on time, which I'm totally ok with. I was feeling rushed and things were out of control. It also means that I get to attend Cotillion, the biggest fundraiser for AID Atlanta of the year (AIDS education non-profit that my dear dear friend Jay, a debutante from last year, works for). I'm pretty jazzed.

1 comment:

The Spicy Chickadee said...

you got a new mac? sweet!!!! i love them to pieces. and i'm jealous you get to go to cotillion - i need an excuse to get an evening gown, and a fancy place to wear it to. i love dressing up, as long as it's not every day.