Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stuff White People Like

Oh my goodness. I realize some people might be a little put off with a blog entitled Stuff White People Like...but seriously. It's amazingly funny. And astute. And obviously accurate.

So, I've been wanting to share my love of SWPL for a while now...but I didn't want to offend. Now, today, I just don't care. The one about study abroad and Nalgene bottles about made me guffaw passion fruit juice all over my desk.

Today has been one of those days where I just don't care about much and can laugh anything off. Yesterday, however, I left work for my "lunch" at 2 and I was in tears not knowing what in the world I was going to do with my life. Things have gotten out of control at The Day Job and I just don't think I can hold on for much longer...so that leaves me with The Night Job that wants me there full time anyway. But right now that won't pay all the bills---so I've got to figure something else out.

Anyone know of a church or office or something that needs their phones answered a couple of days a week or something? I am a good speller, I speak well, I like talking to strangers, and I've got some mad data entry skills. Just let me know.

Well, kids, I've got to head on back to work.

And I'm uber excited to watch the DVR episodes for Robot Chicken I've been recording lately when I get home tonight. And obviously I'm 100% invested in tomorrow night's premiere episode of Top Chef. And then Thursday's Make Me a Supermodel. Because I enjoy Bravo. Nay, I LOVE Bravo. It's television that takes me to a pretend place where I know semi-famous people and know their story and follow their fabulousness. And of course I subscribe to their Senior VP's blog. And he and I email back and forth on occasion. It's cool. He uses txt-speak though, so that's a little off putting--but I'm sure he and I would get along fabulously if we were to ever meet.

Other things I love today: fruit salad (today I put in plums, grapes, and bananas--tomorrow's will be bananas, honey and Greek yogurt); Fionn Regan's The End Of History; Micah Dalton's Pawnshop; Atlanta First UMC's contemporary worship service; my new green-and-occasional-purple whale tote bag I got on clearance; and having properly moisturized hands.

and a big shout out goes to Jen just for being fabulous yesterday.


Unknown said...

Fabulous NUTHIN! I didn't even answer my phone when you called you weirdo! I love you very much, but deserve no such shout out.

PS- I mad a blog!!!


AMW said...

1. i love you.
2. that tote bag rocks my face. seriously, one sec while i pick it up off the floor.
3. i foresee a heart to heart talk coming soon to a vortex near you. watch your email for details!