Monday, February 25, 2008

No matter how big your dreams are...

I saw The Frames (Glen Hansard's band) play when I was in Ireland and albeit they are a big band over there now...but they started out as so many of my friends: just sitting in bars, singing, working odd jobs, knowing they have a gift and a talent and it must be shared. so, here's to you, my indie friends. Dream big and you too can and will succeed!

Oh, and the movie Once is amazing. If you don't want to rent it, I own it and would be glad to loan it to you.

I also saw Damien Rice just playing in bars, drunk, and still being amazing...and he's got a huge American following now. Let's just keep the faith and pray that if our talent and art are meant to be realized, they will. Our dedication will be rewarded.

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